Public talks
June 2024, Random generation for Git graphs, GASCom 2024, Talence, France.
October 2020, Qui suis-je ?, introduction for the modiff meeting, Talence, France.
August 2019, 1, 2, tree: let's twist, METAConC meeting, with Matthieu Dien (Caen, France).
May 2019, Diagrammes de cordes et Cartes enracinées, Journées Algocomb Normastic (Caen, France).
June 2018, Asymptotic distribution of parameters in random maps, Analysis of Algorithms 2018 (Uppsala, Sweden).
September 2017, Conjectures about central weightings, Lattice Walks at the Interface of Algebra, Analysis and Combinatorics (BIRS, Banff, Canada).
June 2017, Analysis of parameters for large combinatorial maps, ALÉA Young Researcher 2017 (Paris 6).
March 2017, Cartes combinatoires : bijections et analyse de paramètres, ALÉA 2017 (Luminy).
August 2016, Generating tree alignments -- how combinatorics can help bioinformatics, 2016 SFU Symposium on Mathematics and Computation (Burnaby, Canada).
June 2016, Counting, sampling and generating tree alignments, Algorithms for Computational Biology (Trujillo, Spain).
March 2016, Terminal chord in connected chord diagrams, Combinatorial Structures in Perturbative Quantum Field Theory (Burnaby).
November 2015, Counting, generating and sampling tree alignments, SeqBio 2015 Workshop, Université Paris XIII (Orsay).
July 2015, A general notion of activity for the Tutte polynomial, Workshop on the Tutte polynomial, Royal Holloway University of London (Egham).
June 2015, Enumeration of planar maps equipped with an additional structure, Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM), University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon).
March 2015, A general notion of activity for the Tutte polynomial, Forty-Sixth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (Boca Raton).
March 2014, The Tutte polynomial and planar maps, Mathematisches Forschungsintitut Oberwolfach.
February 2014, Un cadre général pour l'activité et le polynôme de Tutte, Journées Combinatoires de Bordeaux 2014.
June 2013, Spanning forests in regular planar maps, FPSAC (Paris).
August 2012, Cartes planaires munies d'une forêt couvrante, Journées MAS 2012 (Clermont-Ferrand).
May 2012, Cartes planaires munies d'une forêt couvrante - Le cas régulier, Journées "Cartes Aléatoires" (Paris-Sud Orsay).
March 2012, Cartes planaires munies d'une forêt couvrante, ALÉA 2012 (Luminy).
June 2024, Random Generation of Git Graphs, Séminaire Algo, Caen.
May 2024, Theoretical Analysis of git bisect, Journées APR in Caen.
June 2023, Understanding Dyson-Schwinger equations via chord diagrams, Séminaire Philippe Flajolet, IHP, Paris.
January 2022, Solving Mortimer & Prellberg's Conjecture: Bijection(s) Between Motzkin Paths and Triangular Walks, GT Combinatoire et Interactions, LaBRI, Bordeaux.
November 2021, Une courte excursion au royaume de l'énumération, Accueil des étudiants ENS, GREYC, Caen.
April 2021, Theoretical Analysis of git bisect, Séminaire Online du LIGM, Marne-La-Vallée.
March 2021, Solving Mortimer&Prellberg's Conjecture: Bijection(s) Between Motzkin Paths and Triangular Walks, Séminaire Online de l'équipe CALIN, LIPN, Villetaneuse.
January 2021, Solving Mortimer&Prellberg's Conjecture: Bijection(s) Between Motzkin Paths and Triangular Walks, Online Seminar of Albegra and Combinatorics of Waterloo, Canada.
February 2019, Understanding the Dyson-Schwinger equations via chord diagrams, Institute of Mathematics, Adlershof, Berlin.
May 2018, Asymptotic distribution of parameters in random maps, Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar (University of Waterloo, Canada).
January 2018, Une courte excursion au royaume de l'énumération, Journées du GREYC (Caen).
December 2017, Analysis of parameters for large combinatorial maps, Séminaire Algorithmique (Caen).
March 2017, Let's count the connected chord diagrams, Séminaire Algo (LIGM, Marne-La-Vallée).
January 2017, Comptons les diagrammes connexes de cordes, Séminaire Algorithmique (Caen) (French version of the above slides).
October 2016, Understanding lattice walks via central weightings, Enumerative and Analytic Combinatorics seminar (IRIF, Paris).
October 2016, Terminal chords in connected chord diagrams, LIX combinatorics seminar (Polytechnique, Palaiseau) (new version of the slides! in French).
September 2016, Generating tree alignments, CALIN seminar (Villetaneuse).
April 2016, Terminal chords in connected chord diagrams, Discrete Maths seminar (UBC, Vancouver).
March 2016, Terminal chords in connected chord diagrams, Discrete Maths seminar (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby).
January 2016 (Le Tour de France)
March 2015, Nouvelles bijections entre tableaux de Young, diagrammes d'arcs et marches dans le treillis de Young, Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics seminar (Bordeaux).
November 2014, Planar maps and spanning forests, Discrete Maths seminar (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby).
September 2014, Cartes planaires et forêts couvrantes, Probability and ergodic theory seminar (Tours).
December 2013, Une définition unifiée de l'activité pour le polynôme de Tutte, Combinatorics and Number theory seminar (Lyon).
October 2013, Une définition unifiée de l'activité pour le polynôme de Tutte, AlGCo seminar (Montpellier).
May 2013, Une définition unifiée de l'activité pour le polynôme de Tutte, Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics seminar (Bordeaux).
December 2012, Arbres et cartes munis de forêt couvrante, Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics seminar (Bordeaux).
October 2011, Structure des cartes non orientables à une face, Enumerative and algebraic combinatorics seminar (Bordeaux).
PhD manuscript, Combinatoire du polynôme de Tutte et des cartes planaires, final version on HAL, on ArXiv.
- Slides (in French).